
We provide advanced spinal correction and chiropractic adjustments utilizing "state of the art" chiropractic techniques. Never in the history of chiropractic care have chiropractors been able to provide the level of help and expertise that is available today. Many of the newest chiropractic techniques are actually safer, more comfortable and more effective than ever before. Chiropractic care un... Read More

We provide advanced spinal correction and chiropractic adjustments utilizing "state of the art" chiropractic techniques. Never in the history of chiropractic care have chiropractors been able to provide the level of help and expertise that is available today. Many of the newest chiropractic techniques are actually safer, more comfortable and more effective than ever before. Chiropractic care under a trained professional can even be used to prevent injuries and help you achieve total health or wellness.

Dr Falvey is a board certified Doctor of Chiropractic. She graduated from Southern California University of Health Sciences in Whittier California in 2013. While in school she received her Advanced Activator Certificate along with her Animal Chiropractic Certificate from the International Veterinarian Chiropractic Association. While in practice she continues to learn and is certified in Webster and Cranial Facial Release. Her love of kids and horses lead her to a career working at Horse Shows in California and Nevada. After a long process Dr Falvey became pregnant in 2017 and struggled finding a Chiropractor that specialized in maternity and pediatrics in the area. She worked in a pediatric clinic while in school and knew she could fill the needs of her neighbors. Starting Ardent Life was her answer to a long needed issue of fertility, pediatric, and maternity care in the inland north county area. Along with Ardent Life she continues to work at horse shows with EquestriFit.

Dr Falvey is a board certified Doctor of Chiropractic. She graduated from Southern California Un... Read More

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